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Welcome to the 2nd newsletter of 2008.
Wimbledon has been and gone and the Olympics are just around the corner - Summer must be here.
With the prospect of the Beijing olympics looming, over the last
few weeks we have been extremely busy at work.
The reason I am told, is that the factories around Beijing have
been instructed to close for seven weeks prior to and during the
olympics, so that pollution is minimised, allowing China to show
how eco-friendly it is to the world. Consequently, work that
would be produced in China has been brought back to Britain and
is now again being manufactured right here in the U.K.
This is of course excellent news - for the time being. It does however mean that the future of British Industry is dictated by the P.R. wing of China's Government. Just a thought.
Has anybody else noticed an increase in work? I would appreciate any feedback.
Anyway enough of my ramblings - on with the newsletter.
We have another bumper edition for you, with all the usual items.
Helping pre-school boys recognise letters of
alphabet and simple phonics;
Letter Roads makes learning fun.
It is exactly what
Pre-schoolers want - it was
invented by one!
Featured in the Times Educational Supplement 25/04/08
Created by a 3 year old and developed and published by his mother. Letter Roads is a simple and popular new learning tool for boys and girls using a winning combination of toy cars, roads and letters.
5 years ago, Michele Carter-Buxton was fighting an
uphill struggle trying to teach the alphabet to her 3 year old
son. One day, whilst he was playing with his cars at her feet,
Michele drew him a large 'S' shaped "road", complete with dotted
white lines on a big sheet of paper. Michele watched in amazement
as he immediately began to drive his toy car around the
Her son loved this new game and wanted more roads to 'brum-brum' around, so she quickly drew more letter shaped roads, adding a Police station and a Post office for the sounds of the letter "P". As one Letter Road linked to the next, soon there was a network of connecting roads on the living room floor. Roads that not only helped him recognise the sound and shape of individual letters, but were also a first step to understanding the world of joined-up writing.
Where he had been bored with learning, now he was enjoying his letter roads; he was talking about them but most importantly, he was learning AND having fun. At that moment, for a mum with no business experience and her 3 year old son, Letter Roads was born.
It was only afterwards, in discussions with pre-school
teachers that Michele began to hear why some small boys can find
lessons so difficult.
Teachers spoke of boys just being too lively for conventional
sit-down learning.
The same pre-school teachers loved Letter Roads and their support
inspired Michele to take the brave step of launching the new
On sale at the moment through their dedicated website, Letter Roads is produced with the environment very much in mind.
Made from a durable, toughened cardboard (rather than plastic) from MANAGED FORESTRY SOURCES, IT’S BIODEGRADABLE and MADE IN BRITAIN .
The full alphabet set of 26, A3 sized Letter Roads is
available at £29.99 + p+p.
To order direct please contact or by telephoning :
01242 430102 Or UK mobile : 07860 450 341
If you would like your profile published here please email me: -
sells handmade jewellery. We offer a jewellery making service
where you design your jewellery and have it crafted by one of our
excellent Welsh jewellers with over 20 years experience.
We also mine our own top quality Welsh quartz and use the best
points in our speciality pendants.
Heathylee Guanaco - 100%
British Guanaco Handwoven Shawls, Handknitted Scarves and Yarn
from Heathylee's herd of Guanaco farmed in the Peak
McRostie Leather -
Handmade bridle leather goods traditionally made in Scotland from
the best of British bridle leather.
We also offer a 'bespoke' service and custom orders both for
individuals and the corporate market.
Includes a Repair & Restoration service for certain items of
leather sporting accessories and leather luggage.
Sorry - These offers are no longer available.
Please see our Latest Offers page
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